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We have two exciting topics in one meeting for our April meeting of the La Crosse Area Chapter of ASHRAE. ASHRAE Society President Ginger Scoggins will give her presidential address titled “Challenge Accepted: Tackling the Climate Crises.” This presentation explains why ASHRAE has accepted the challenge of the climate crises and what ASHRAE is doing to prepare our members to address the coming challenges for the future of the built environment. We will follow that up with our regularly scheduled chapter educational programming. This month, we will focus on refrigeration with a talk titled “The Cold Chain – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” given by Alex Schmig
Free for Brown Bag Lunch
$15 for Sandwich Lunch Provided
Register: No Registration Necessary (Unless You Want Lunch)
Noon - 12:30pm: Chapter meeting and Cold Chain presentation with Alex Schmig
12:30-1:00pm: Presidential Address by Ginger Scoggins
Trane (Building 12) - Reuben Trane Room
2313 20th St S, La Crosse, WI 54601
April Event- Lunch